RCF DX 1616 Matrix Audio Processor

RCF DX 1616 Matrix Audio Processor
Hybrid architecture DSP
48 KHz sampling, 40 bit floating point engine
16 x 16 I/O matrix
Dante enabled network audio transport
8 AES/EBU inputs - 8 AES/EBU outputs
Ethernet connectivity and control
Maximum latency 3 ms
Easy to use software GUI
DX 1616 AES-Dante remote software. This network-based software designed for Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX allows the management of the DX 1616 Matrix Sound Processor. -Pre-Amp configuration, selecting source types like analog, AES/EBU, Dante -Designing Input groups for festival applications -Input source processing with EQ, delay and compressor -Powerful 16x16 router to assign processing tasks to flexible output patches.
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