RCF Sub 705as MKIII (Open Box B-stock)

RCF Sub 705as MKIII (Open Box B-stock)

Sale Price:$1,099.00 Original Price:$1,399.00

Stock photos show not actual subwoofer

Price for 1x SUB 705-AS MKIII with power cables. Condition- has been touch up and in great condition.

RCF SUB 705-AS MKIII powered subwoofers (From RCF B-stock) with full factory warranty!

Why purchase from us. We guarantee our products are fully operational and with your proof of purchase the items is backed with the factory RCF warranty.

Meet up Locations: warehouse in Piscataway NJ or our office in Phillipsburg NJ

Delivery options are available. Possible added delivery charge based on location. We service NJ, PA, NY, MD, CT. If shipped: Shipping cost determined at sale.


  • 1400 Watt Digital Amplifier

  • 15" Woofer, bass reflex housing

  • Stereo crossover

  • Switchable crossover frequencies

  • Phase-reverse switch

  • Electronic equalization, soft limiter and protection

  • Stereo XLR input, Stereo XLR signal output

  • Made in Italy

The SUB 705-AS III is a compact and powerful bass reflex subwoofer. It is equipped with a 15” high power woofer with 3” voice coil, powered by a 1400 Watt digital amplifier in a robust plywood housing with deep and punchy tuning for a powerful bass. Thanks to the built-in digital stereo crossover (DSP) with adjustable crossover frequency, it can be easily and quickly set up with a satellite speaker. The SUB 705-AS II easily combines with 12” and 15”, ideal for RCF ART and D-Line Series.

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